Brown Butter Chai Cake

Simple butter, sugar and vanilla mingling together really are the very best of friends and often keeping it simple and letting these three ingredients shine in baking makes the best of comfort foods. But we all know there’s an encyclopaedic collection of variations on that theme right?  I mean seriously we could fill a whole internet on the many ways to combine these three key elements and methods by which to create that squishy goodness. One of my favourites is the classic melt and mix. Its quick, easy and always your best friend when you’re in a rush to feed hungry hoards. It’s also a brilliant base to work from. My favourite is Brown Butter Chai Cake. Now I concede browning the butter is adding a step and taking half a step back from easy. If the mere suggestion of browning butter has you rolling your eyes fear not you could skip this step and the cake will still be delicious, but I do urge to try just once. I won’t bore you with the how when it comes to browning butter but you can watch this if you need some help with that. My favourite Chai is from Grounded Pleasures. You can check out their full range here

Adding the sweet spicy concoction of good quality chai creates a rich hearty variation.

Simple butter, sugar and vanilla mingling together really are the very best of friends and often keeping it simple and letting these three ingredients shine in baking makes the best of comfort foods. But we all know there’s an encyclopaedic collection of variations on that theme right?  I mean seriously we could fill a whole internet on the many ways to combine these three key elements and methods by which to create that squishy goodness. One of my favourites is the classic melt and mix. Its quick, easy and always your best friend when you’re in a rush to feed hungry hoards. It’s also a brilliant base to work from. My favourite is Brown Butter Chai Cake. Now I concede browning the butter is adding a step and taking half a step back from easy. If the mere suggestion of browning butter has you rolling your eyes fear not you could skip this step and the cake will still be delicious, but I do urge to try just once. If  I won’t bore you with the 'how' when it comes to browning butter but you can check how here if you need some help with that. My favourite Chai is from Grounded Pleasures. You can browse out their full range here.

150 gm butter melted and browned
1 1/2 (225) C self raising flour
200 gm golden caster sugar *
1 vanilla bean scraped pod discarded or 1 Tsp extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs lightly beaten
2/3 cup buttermilk **
2 Tb chai powder ( I use Grounded Pleasures)

Spiced Sugar:
1/4 C icing sugar (powder sugar)
1/4 tsp  each of ginger and cinnamon or your own faves such as a pinch of cardamon or allspice.

Preheat oven to 180c, grease and line a loaf or 20cm round spring form pan.

Brown butter and allow to cool to room temperature.
In a mixer bowl combine all dry ingredients and give a quick stir with a whisk to ensure everything is evenly mixed through. 
Add all wet ingredients and mix in stand mixer on low-medium until combing then in creased speed to high and mix for 1-2 minutes or until fluffy and lighter in colour. Pour into prepared pan and bake 40-45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.
Allow to cool in tin for five minutes then turn out or release from springform and cool on rack.

I've served with a spiced sugar to keep things simple but you might like a simple orange flavoured icing or even a cream cheese frosting.

*I've used paneela sugar from Grounded Pleasures here (I may or may not have had a little shopping spree and had lots to play with  not sponsored). Golden CS adds an extra caramel characteristic however if you only have white that will work just fine.
**If you don't have buttermilk you can make your own by adding half a tsp of lemon to the 2/3 C of regular milk and allow it to sit while you get organised.



Express Paella


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