GF Almond Spice Granola

The alarm gently trills from my watch. It feels loud this morning ‘til I realise its right next to my head. I fumble for the button to quieten it, snooze a few more minutes. It trills again, I know today I can’t hit that button again. Magpies warble at my window sill, I hear my husband moving around getting ready for his day, run through the day in my head, I fumble for the button and turn off the alarm. Blinking a few times forcing sand from eyes I reach for my glasses check my phone (I know) and surrender to the inevitable. The day begins, showered ready to go. After squeezing in an early morning appointment I’m off for jaunt down the coast to work on a wonderful project, it’s going to be a big day. With my photographer’s hat on, my mind is ticking through all the wonderful possibilities for today’s shoot, the creative joy of working with a like-minded soul on a shared passion coursing through my veins. I wander downstairs very grateful for yesterday Sally who prepared brekky for today Sally. What a clever gem she was, because no matter how invigorated I feel I’m still not a morning person. I try, I want to be, I make plans to reach that goa, but I never quite make it. I’m also a brekky lover, indeed it’s the only way to get me fired up, that and a strong almond milk flat white coffee….very strong. The delicious spicy crunch of nuts and seeds held together with honey burnished in the oven to crisp the mixture up to little clusters atop creamy thick Greek yoghurt and the tang of fresh berries is one of my favourite ways to start the day, and when I know I have big schedule ahead of me a delicious meal I can make ahead and ignite my mind and body.

Whilst I’m lucky enough to not be a coeliac sometimes a brekky heavy in grains can still feel a little heavy in the morning for me. With that in mind I’ve leaned on gluten free ingredients for a satisfying and nourishing mix to top my yoghurt with a little crunchy sprinkle. A nice little handful of clusters also makes a great snack or even a lite sprinkle over ice cream to almost give a feel of a crumble type dessert. If not with fresh fruit this compote is perfect alongside the granola both at breakfast with yoghurt and of course at the other end of the day over ice cream.


1 ½ c raw buckwheat

2/3 c whole raw almonds skin on

2/3 c slivered raw almonds

½ c raw macadamias either halved or roughly chopped

¼ c pumpkin seeds

¼ c sunflower seeds

2 Tb sesame seeds

1 c coconut flakes

2 ½ tsp ground cinnamon

¼ tsp ground allspice

½ tsp ground ginger

½ tsp ground cardamon

1/3 c olive oil

1/3 c honey

1 tsp vanilla

2 tsp brown sugar


Preheat oven to 160c (140c for fan forced).

Line a tray large enough to hold the ingredients in a single layer. Use two if you need to.

Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl, set aside. Combine Olive oil, honey and vanilla in a bowl whisking until combined. You can zap in the microwave for ten seconds if you need to loosen it.

Pour over drive ingredients and mix well to combine. Spread evenly on tray in a thin layer. Bake 15 minutes taking out to stir and turn well half way through cooking.

Remove and cool on bench. I like to slide the paper off the hot tray onto the bench. It’s coolness shock the granola and stops the cooking process.


Warm Chorizo and Potato Salad


Whiskey and Orange Cake